Future News Headlines (c) by RickOShay
These original stories come from one possible future. Most stories are based on science fact, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, but hopefully an entertaining keyhole on likely future events and life.
These original stories come from one possible future. Most stories are based on science fact, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, but hopefully an entertaining keyhole on likely future events and life.
Water Wars Escalate August 30 2042
Water Wars Escalate August 30 2042
Copyright RickOShay
Remember in the 10's and 20's - you'd occasionally hear the expression 'water is the most precious commodity on the planet'. Well the advent of the 'Water wars' has brought the full realization of this saying into the consciousness of the average man. Our planet once again is divided into the 'haves and have nots' and this time it's a fight for survival.
The scenes playout on our screens everyday. Rioting, looting and people fighting for survival for what was once classed as a basic human right.
World governments have failed us. Democracies have very narrow and short term vision. How can a political candidate expect to be elected if he promises a one child per family policy and food rations! Hardly a candidate people would vote for.
As for the future the disbanding of the UN and creation of the GRP (Global Resource Protectorate) and the recently signed off 'Survival Laws' (SL) that enforce family size and consumption limits, corporate production laws, emission limits and policing have been widely deemed as a necessity by all member countries - it remains however to be seen if these laws can be effectively enforced at a local and granular level while over 50% of the people on this planet fight for daily survival.
Copyright RickOShay
Remember in the 10's and 20's - you'd occasionally hear the expression 'water is the most precious commodity on the planet'. Well the advent of the 'Water wars' has brought the full realization of this saying into the consciousness of the average man. Our planet once again is divided into the 'haves and have nots' and this time it's a fight for survival.
The scenes playout on our screens everyday. Rioting, looting and people fighting for survival for what was once classed as a basic human right.
World governments have failed us. Democracies have very narrow and short term vision. How can a political candidate expect to be elected if he promises a one child per family policy and food rations! Hardly a candidate people would vote for.
As for the future the disbanding of the UN and creation of the GRP (Global Resource Protectorate) and the recently signed off 'Survival Laws' (SL) that enforce family size and consumption limits, corporate production laws, emission limits and policing have been widely deemed as a necessity by all member countries - it remains however to be seen if these laws can be effectively enforced at a local and granular level while over 50% of the people on this planet fight for daily survival.
'Intelligent Data' MATLabs December 2 2022
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
'Intelligent Data' MATLabs December 2 2022 Copyright RickOShay
Inherent problems with unintelligent or dumb data has always meant that code had to actually act on or process data in order to make associations or to infer meaning. Well now MATIabs has created the first working data AI system. 'The data has inherent intelligence' said Mark Magnate. To understand this concept - visualize a set of jigsaw pieces. They have no inherent understanding of their relationship to each other - or the big picture. With our new data segments - or IAC's - Intelligent Data Constructs each piece has a primitive understanding of the whole and more importantly of its relative position and relationship with other data types. Unlike a piece in a jigsaw - IAC's have the ability to change their shape and adapt to their environment based on their primal construct or rules. We obviously don't want data evolving beyond its initial state '0'. We have noticed this new data exhibits a primitive intelligence - it reorientates itself to the viewers perspective. This has shown some unexpected benefits...
Inherent problems with unintelligent or dumb data has always meant that code had to actually act on or process data in order to make associations or to infer meaning. Well now MATIabs has created the first working data AI system. 'The data has inherent intelligence' said Mark Magnate. To understand this concept - visualize a set of jigsaw pieces. They have no inherent understanding of their relationship to each other - or the big picture. With our new data segments - or IAC's - Intelligent Data Constructs each piece has a primitive understanding of the whole and more importantly of its relative position and relationship with other data types. Unlike a piece in a jigsaw - IAC's have the ability to change their shape and adapt to their environment based on their primal construct or rules. We obviously don't want data evolving beyond its initial state '0'. We have noticed this new data exhibits a primitive intelligence - it reorientates itself to the viewers perspective. This has shown some unexpected benefits...
Get paid to grow limbs & organs July 2030
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Get paid to grow limbs & organs July 2030 Copyright RickOShay
Now that stem cell research has offered up some practical medical benefits - Regen Inc. are looking for surrogate carriers for extra limbs and organs. The screening process involves blood and gene type cross matching with recipients. The US defense force plans to build a storage facility of replacement limbs and major organs for active soldiers in combat. Trigger cells from the recipient will be fused with the organ or limb 'blank' and in so doing be able to splice stored limbs and organs onto or into soldiers damaged in combat.'Donor type matching is the key to this process becoming a reality' said Dr.Leanne Onmi. Soldiers all carry smart id tags or SIT's that can be scanned for target matching to the limb or organ base at the cryo storage facility in Texas, Doctors believe this process will save countless lives in the future and could potentially have a combat soldier back on the battlefield within weeks even after major tissue damage or loss. Get paid to grow organs or limbs visit w3.tissue regen.org for ...
Now that stem cell research has offered up some practical medical benefits - Regen Inc. are looking for surrogate carriers for extra limbs and organs. The screening process involves blood and gene type cross matching with recipients. The US defense force plans to build a storage facility of replacement limbs and major organs for active soldiers in combat. Trigger cells from the recipient will be fused with the organ or limb 'blank' and in so doing be able to splice stored limbs and organs onto or into soldiers damaged in combat.'Donor type matching is the key to this process becoming a reality' said Dr.Leanne Onmi. Soldiers all carry smart id tags or SIT's that can be scanned for target matching to the limb or organ base at the cryo storage facility in Texas, Doctors believe this process will save countless lives in the future and could potentially have a combat soldier back on the battlefield within weeks even after major tissue damage or loss. Get paid to grow organs or limbs visit w3.tissue regen.org for ...
Driverless car infected - virus suspected! - April 11 2018
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Driverless car infected - virus suspected! - April 11 2018 Copyright RickOShay
A DV or driverless vehicle careened out of control in Jovian Avenue today and crashed through the foyer of WafflesRUs narrowly missing an elderly passerby before it was eventually shut down by local traffic enforcement. Investigators from the Autonomous Vehicle Online Investigation Dept (AVOID) found that the vehicle was infected by the CH405 virus. The first recorded case so far. A spokes person from VW-GAV said that the vehicle had apparently been infected by the rogue code during a recent visit to a non authorized AV service depot. Mark Upen chief software consultant for AVAV - the anti-virus protection layer built into all on-board vehicle navigation systems, stated that this code could not spread from one vehicle to another and that it was quite safe to continue using DVs. "I certainly hope so!" said Irma Moaner a bystander at the scene of the accident.
A DV or driverless vehicle careened out of control in Jovian Avenue today and crashed through the foyer of WafflesRUs narrowly missing an elderly passerby before it was eventually shut down by local traffic enforcement. Investigators from the Autonomous Vehicle Online Investigation Dept (AVOID) found that the vehicle was infected by the CH405 virus. The first recorded case so far. A spokes person from VW-GAV said that the vehicle had apparently been infected by the rogue code during a recent visit to a non authorized AV service depot. Mark Upen chief software consultant for AVAV - the anti-virus protection layer built into all on-board vehicle navigation systems, stated that this code could not spread from one vehicle to another and that it was quite safe to continue using DVs. "I certainly hope so!" said Irma Moaner a bystander at the scene of the accident.
Husband cheats with robot June 11 2024
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Husband cheats with robot June 11 2024 Copyright RickOShay
In a ground breaking law suit Mrs Ivana Urstuf sued her husband for divorce after she caught him cheating on her with the family robot 'Geena' - the perfect woman. 'Geena the perfect woman model FUC020 (Female Universal Cleaner series 020) is renowned for her life like appearance and hi fidelity human interaction systems. Legal commentators say the legal outcome may be precedent creating. What constitutes an act of infidelity varies between and within cultures. The fact that the wife in this instance feels betrayed due to her husbands affection for their domestic robot is still potential grounds for a divorce. In a recent interview Mr Urstuf stated that he has genuine feelings for Geena and intends to many her once the divorce is over - if the court will let him that is. - Court reporter.
In a ground breaking law suit Mrs Ivana Urstuf sued her husband for divorce after she caught him cheating on her with the family robot 'Geena' - the perfect woman. 'Geena the perfect woman model FUC020 (Female Universal Cleaner series 020) is renowned for her life like appearance and hi fidelity human interaction systems. Legal commentators say the legal outcome may be precedent creating. What constitutes an act of infidelity varies between and within cultures. The fact that the wife in this instance feels betrayed due to her husbands affection for their domestic robot is still potential grounds for a divorce. In a recent interview Mr Urstuf stated that he has genuine feelings for Geena and intends to many her once the divorce is over - if the court will let him that is. - Court reporter.
DNA theft Jan 31 2032
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
DNA theft Jan 31 2032 Copyright RickOShay
On Friday over 15 human records were stolen from Digital Iden DNA (DID) headquarters in Los Angeles. DID is a global company that stores a persons full human DNA record in both analog and digital formats. Amongst the records stolen were full DNA constructs for John R Kennedy (Post Morten recording), Albert Eistein (post mortem recording) along with records of many famous actors who do not wish to be named. California police say a group of bio hackers calling themselves The Creators penetrated the digital archive banks and siphoned off over 10 TB of data before the intrusion was discovered. This comes on the back of recent announcements that artificial cloning tech has now reached the point where a human being can in theory be grown. Investigations continue.
On Friday over 15 human records were stolen from Digital Iden DNA (DID) headquarters in Los Angeles. DID is a global company that stores a persons full human DNA record in both analog and digital formats. Amongst the records stolen were full DNA constructs for John R Kennedy (Post Morten recording), Albert Eistein (post mortem recording) along with records of many famous actors who do not wish to be named. California police say a group of bio hackers calling themselves The Creators penetrated the digital archive banks and siphoned off over 10 TB of data before the intrusion was discovered. This comes on the back of recent announcements that artificial cloning tech has now reached the point where a human being can in theory be grown. Investigations continue.
Intel-Biogen create first zero volt processor March 2024
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Intel-Biogen create first zero volt processor March 2024 Copyright RickOShay
The recent technology merger between Intel and Biogen (NASDAQ INBE - biotech engineering) has had industry commentators speculating on the potential of new processor technologies. Well now science fiction has turned to reality with the first plant hybrid processor prototype having passed first stage testing. A spokesman for 'Inotech' Larry Wise said this new hybrid technology will finally allow advances in greyscale computing. In a recent demonstration of that photosynthetic stored charge the prototype was able to sustain and regulate sufficient voltage flow for over 36 hours in limited light conditions to maintain full system resource functionality.
The recent technology merger between Intel and Biogen (NASDAQ INBE - biotech engineering) has had industry commentators speculating on the potential of new processor technologies. Well now science fiction has turned to reality with the first plant hybrid processor prototype having passed first stage testing. A spokesman for 'Inotech' Larry Wise said this new hybrid technology will finally allow advances in greyscale computing. In a recent demonstration of that photosynthetic stored charge the prototype was able to sustain and regulate sufficient voltage flow for over 36 hours in limited light conditions to maintain full system resource functionality.
GTI attacks Iceberg Bertha August 2042
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
GTI attacks Iceberg Bertha August 2042 Copyright RickOShay
The GTI (Global Trade Interconnect) stated today that the 300 sq km iceberg that has been blocking shipping lanes near the British channel for the past 6 months has finally been fragmented into approximately 50 smaller icebergs. The iceberg formally termed 'Bertha' has blocked almost the entire EU/US trade route for the past 2 years. The separation of Bertha was achieved this morning at approximately 13h43 GMT with the use of sonic Durandel or SD warheads which are designed for deep penetration high frequency fragmentation. An earlier version of the T-Durandel warhead was used on iceberg 'Martha' which lodged itself off Philadelphia coastline 13 months ago.'This explosive warhead was far less effective in deep penetration of ice' said Capt. Kyle Fraktur. 'We learnt some painful lessons from that experience' - he added. The remaining 100 or so 20-30 sq km blocks from 'Bertha' will now be towed out to sea and anchored. Each will be Geo-flagged by GPS tracking beacons to alert shipping passing in the area......
The GTI (Global Trade Interconnect) stated today that the 300 sq km iceberg that has been blocking shipping lanes near the British channel for the past 6 months has finally been fragmented into approximately 50 smaller icebergs. The iceberg formally termed 'Bertha' has blocked almost the entire EU/US trade route for the past 2 years. The separation of Bertha was achieved this morning at approximately 13h43 GMT with the use of sonic Durandel or SD warheads which are designed for deep penetration high frequency fragmentation. An earlier version of the T-Durandel warhead was used on iceberg 'Martha' which lodged itself off Philadelphia coastline 13 months ago.'This explosive warhead was far less effective in deep penetration of ice' said Capt. Kyle Fraktur. 'We learnt some painful lessons from that experience' - he added. The remaining 100 or so 20-30 sq km blocks from 'Bertha' will now be towed out to sea and anchored. Each will be Geo-flagged by GPS tracking beacons to alert shipping passing in the area......
Factory Ships - Repopulating the oceans March 11 2037
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Factory Ships - Repopulating the oceans March 11 2037 Copyright RickOShay
Thanks to China, Japan and many EU countries over fishing our seas - the world's oceans are dying. The WCO - World Conservation Organisation has imposed a $20 billion fine on these countries for ignoring specie limits - but the oceans look like they may not be able to recover this time. Pollution levels are higher now than ever before and fresh water levels from polar cap melt down is wreaking havoc with salinity levels, as Geosat imagery confirms. It's not all doom and gloom however - WCO is now giving green credits to those countries willing to support the global GM Ocean re-population (GMOR) program. To qualify each country has to have 20 class F factory breeding ships permanently stationed within their own territorial waters and has to meet their GM regional quotas on species re-population. Not all fish species will be genetically modified says Dr Trish Bown of the GM Ethics council, 'Certain species have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to the changing saline and fresh water content of our seas'.
Thanks to China, Japan and many EU countries over fishing our seas - the world's oceans are dying. The WCO - World Conservation Organisation has imposed a $20 billion fine on these countries for ignoring specie limits - but the oceans look like they may not be able to recover this time. Pollution levels are higher now than ever before and fresh water levels from polar cap melt down is wreaking havoc with salinity levels, as Geosat imagery confirms. It's not all doom and gloom however - WCO is now giving green credits to those countries willing to support the global GM Ocean re-population (GMOR) program. To qualify each country has to have 20 class F factory breeding ships permanently stationed within their own territorial waters and has to meet their GM regional quotas on species re-population. Not all fish species will be genetically modified says Dr Trish Bown of the GM Ethics council, 'Certain species have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to the changing saline and fresh water content of our seas'.
Nano paint and TV shirt May 4 2028
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Nano paint and TV shirt May 4 2028 Copyright RickOShay
echWatch - New nano paint schemes are everywhere you look - touch the surface and they mirror the colour of the object touching them or draw a box and a virtual control appears. One touch and I changed the wall to a Window running my Windows desktop! I really like this new wall coating it gives me a lift in the morning - I programmed my lounge wall to be bright and colourful when the weather outside is really bad. Its quite strange to walk into my living room in the morning only to find it looking very different from the night before - but very cheerful. Mike Philips shows off his new TV-Shirt - which uses the latest nano receiver crystals embedded in the fabric. His shirt comes to life and flips between sponsor ads and his page on MyVid.
echWatch - New nano paint schemes are everywhere you look - touch the surface and they mirror the colour of the object touching them or draw a box and a virtual control appears. One touch and I changed the wall to a Window running my Windows desktop! I really like this new wall coating it gives me a lift in the morning - I programmed my lounge wall to be bright and colourful when the weather outside is really bad. Its quite strange to walk into my living room in the morning only to find it looking very different from the night before - but very cheerful. Mike Philips shows off his new TV-Shirt - which uses the latest nano receiver crystals embedded in the fabric. His shirt comes to life and flips between sponsor ads and his page on MyVid.
Engineer has 1 million children August 17 2015
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Engineer has 1 million children August 17 2015 Copyright RickOShay
Dr Irma Dada from the Biotechnodrome (Ukraine) looks fondly at his thriving AI PC biosphere. "Yes I'm a vader of a big family" he smiles proudly and we drink a toast to his busy little off spring. The traditional definition of life 'objects that have self-sustaining biological processes' has had to be rewritten to encompass new forms of existence that previously fell outside our classical understanding of the term. This new classification includes 'life as it might be' - some non-terrestrial forms may well fall outside human understanding and indeed may not be recognized as life. Originally 3 categories of simulated life soft, hard and cellular existed. Well now it seems clear that the origin or sustaining medium defines life itself. 'Space itself may indeed be a life form, after all it gave rise to all other living things' says Dr Dada. We need to open our minds to other forms of existence ..
Dr Irma Dada from the Biotechnodrome (Ukraine) looks fondly at his thriving AI PC biosphere. "Yes I'm a vader of a big family" he smiles proudly and we drink a toast to his busy little off spring. The traditional definition of life 'objects that have self-sustaining biological processes' has had to be rewritten to encompass new forms of existence that previously fell outside our classical understanding of the term. This new classification includes 'life as it might be' - some non-terrestrial forms may well fall outside human understanding and indeed may not be recognized as life. Originally 3 categories of simulated life soft, hard and cellular existed. Well now it seems clear that the origin or sustaining medium defines life itself. 'Space itself may indeed be a life form, after all it gave rise to all other living things' says Dr Dada. We need to open our minds to other forms of existence ..
Earth 'wobbles' a concern October 7 2045
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Earth 'wobbles' a concern October 7 2045 Copyright RickOShay
The side effects of global warming have been seen globally for the past 3 decades. Dr. Ivan Swell from the US Meteorological institute in California says latest findings which have been confirmed by research stations on 4 continents now predict far more radical problems for the human race. "The earth's rotational axis is being effected by polar melt down. The massive infusion of fresh water from the poles is aggregating towards the equator due to the earth's centrifugal spin." said Dr Swell. The earth's axial rotation has always had a slight deviation. This fluctuation may have initially been caused by a significant meteor event which it is thought wiped out the dinosaurs."What is happening now is that far more weight is being distributed around the earth's rotational equator".
The side effects of global warming have been seen globally for the past 3 decades. Dr. Ivan Swell from the US Meteorological institute in California says latest findings which have been confirmed by research stations on 4 continents now predict far more radical problems for the human race. "The earth's rotational axis is being effected by polar melt down. The massive infusion of fresh water from the poles is aggregating towards the equator due to the earth's centrifugal spin." said Dr Swell. The earth's axial rotation has always had a slight deviation. This fluctuation may have initially been caused by a significant meteor event which it is thought wiped out the dinosaurs."What is happening now is that far more weight is being distributed around the earth's rotational equator".
New dance floor creates music January 2019
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
New dance floor creates music January 2019 Copyright RickOShay
Vibrations Inc. in the USA recently released it new patented vibration and energy sensing technology, The Media Audio Sensing System 'MASS1 reads the collective energy and movement of a crowd on a dance floor and automatically creates music based on pattern matching and energy relationships. Collective movement of people on the dance floor creates waves which are mapped to a basic rhythm machine. The main music theme is generated based on matching the crowds shared heat, energy body movement and even pheromone levels using a complex mathematical model to samples and synths which are produced on the fly. The crowd or collective can adjust the music and rhythm by moving together using audio feedback to direct the actual music. Copyright companies are now debating ownership issues of these collective compositions. 'Ownership is a very complex issue' said Stella Gizmo from T&C Corp. 'Who really has a claim to this new form of music. It's not as clear cut as one would expect.' So far music companies are vying for...
Vibrations Inc. in the USA recently released it new patented vibration and energy sensing technology, The Media Audio Sensing System 'MASS1 reads the collective energy and movement of a crowd on a dance floor and automatically creates music based on pattern matching and energy relationships. Collective movement of people on the dance floor creates waves which are mapped to a basic rhythm machine. The main music theme is generated based on matching the crowds shared heat, energy body movement and even pheromone levels using a complex mathematical model to samples and synths which are produced on the fly. The crowd or collective can adjust the music and rhythm by moving together using audio feedback to direct the actual music. Copyright companies are now debating ownership issues of these collective compositions. 'Ownership is a very complex issue' said Stella Gizmo from T&C Corp. 'Who really has a claim to this new form of music. It's not as clear cut as one would expect.' So far music companies are vying for...
Robby VAC kills granny 85 August 30 2025
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Robby VAC kills granny 85 August 30 2025 Copyright RickOShay
Ms Irma Flatten an 85 year old pensioner from Sittingbourne was found dead in her bungalow today. Detective Stain from the Swale county police said it appeared on initial inspection that her personal 'Robby VAC'- robotic vacuum cleaner had malfunctioned resulting in her falling down the stairs. The forensic robotics department later confined the collision detection system had malfunctioned on the vacuum cleaner. It seems that one of the pensioners slippers had been partially sucked into the cleaner resulting in some of the sensors being obscured and therefore the cleaner had been unable to detect the presence of Mrs Flatten. Detailed forensic results will be presented this week at the citizen protection bureau in Kent. Mrs Dorothy Whinge who lived next door said it was a terrible shame and that in her opinion Robby VACs were a menace to society. Ref Sittingbourne News.
Ms Irma Flatten an 85 year old pensioner from Sittingbourne was found dead in her bungalow today. Detective Stain from the Swale county police said it appeared on initial inspection that her personal 'Robby VAC'- robotic vacuum cleaner had malfunctioned resulting in her falling down the stairs. The forensic robotics department later confined the collision detection system had malfunctioned on the vacuum cleaner. It seems that one of the pensioners slippers had been partially sucked into the cleaner resulting in some of the sensors being obscured and therefore the cleaner had been unable to detect the presence of Mrs Flatten. Detailed forensic results will be presented this week at the citizen protection bureau in Kent. Mrs Dorothy Whinge who lived next door said it was a terrible shame and that in her opinion Robby VACs were a menace to society. Ref Sittingbourne News.
Building bricks - LEGO APRIL 17 2023
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Building bricks - LEGO APRIL 17 2023 Copyright RickOShay
Rephab and LEGO annouced today that their new product 'HABO' will be tested on the Cape Flats in Cape Town South Africa. The new low cost rapid housing development will make use of 'HOBITS' - intelligent plastic compound bricks that allow the creation of a simple environmentally integrated house to be constructed within a few hours. The twice life scale bricks are factoiy programmed for heat and light absorption and venting. They create and store electrical charge during the day sufficient to heat 150L of water and run 10 x 20W light bulbs for 10 hours on a single daylight charge. Minister for environmental housing Dr. Trevor Naygash stated that he saw this as the first stage of a wide scale deployment in Africa once initial testing had been completed in the Western Cape. The Cape Flats had been selected for the first test phase due to the wind and light conditions.
Rephab and LEGO annouced today that their new product 'HABO' will be tested on the Cape Flats in Cape Town South Africa. The new low cost rapid housing development will make use of 'HOBITS' - intelligent plastic compound bricks that allow the creation of a simple environmentally integrated house to be constructed within a few hours. The twice life scale bricks are factoiy programmed for heat and light absorption and venting. They create and store electrical charge during the day sufficient to heat 150L of water and run 10 x 20W light bulbs for 10 hours on a single daylight charge. Minister for environmental housing Dr. Trevor Naygash stated that he saw this as the first stage of a wide scale deployment in Africa once initial testing had been completed in the Western Cape. The Cape Flats had been selected for the first test phase due to the wind and light conditions.
Plant lights June 2019
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Plant lights June 2019 Copyright RickOShay
As we all know plants go to work during the day creating energy from the sun - and at night they shut down and rest. Well now scientists have found a way to tap or drain off excess electrical current from plants during the day so that it can be used after sunset when the plants are asleep, but us humans are awake. Enter the 'Plant light' a three way agreement between man plants and our nearest star - the sun. Dr Ivor Zendalit, lead researcher at BioMech said that whilst the stored electrical charge is very small - new ultra bright LED's can be powered for up to 6 hours on one medium sized leafy house plant assuming it receives a minimum of 5 hours of direct sunlight. 'We are working on a plant charger for low voltage mobile devices at present and expect to have a working prototype within 6 months.' Plant activists have already complained that this is just another example of our species approach to life. Hugh Emtree of 'The Green Sleeves Party' warned that 'Plants will retaliate - they will use chemical warfare ....
As we all know plants go to work during the day creating energy from the sun - and at night they shut down and rest. Well now scientists have found a way to tap or drain off excess electrical current from plants during the day so that it can be used after sunset when the plants are asleep, but us humans are awake. Enter the 'Plant light' a three way agreement between man plants and our nearest star - the sun. Dr Ivor Zendalit, lead researcher at BioMech said that whilst the stored electrical charge is very small - new ultra bright LED's can be powered for up to 6 hours on one medium sized leafy house plant assuming it receives a minimum of 5 hours of direct sunlight. 'We are working on a plant charger for low voltage mobile devices at present and expect to have a working prototype within 6 months.' Plant activists have already complained that this is just another example of our species approach to life. Hugh Emtree of 'The Green Sleeves Party' warned that 'Plants will retaliate - they will use chemical warfare ....
Watch it Mom - Don't wash it July 1 2021
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Watch it Mom - Don't wash it July 1 2021 Copyright RickOShay
New plastic transensor technology now allows clothing manufacturers to imprint super thin wireless videos screens onto anything from a T shirt to a bathing towel. What started as Army nextgen camouflage and cloaking tech is now all the rage amongst young and old. 'It can be quite disconcerting' said Bob Ogleme from Pitsville when an attractive girl in a T shirt is walking towards you and she's showing a rerun of Babe Watch on her chest - I guess she knows we will look. Even Dad's getting in on the act - Mark Statment from Cape Town said 'Well I'm earning bucks for all the ads that get flighted on my shirts - hell I don't mind.' There's only one down side - Mom watch it - but don't wash it!
New plastic transensor technology now allows clothing manufacturers to imprint super thin wireless videos screens onto anything from a T shirt to a bathing towel. What started as Army nextgen camouflage and cloaking tech is now all the rage amongst young and old. 'It can be quite disconcerting' said Bob Ogleme from Pitsville when an attractive girl in a T shirt is walking towards you and she's showing a rerun of Babe Watch on her chest - I guess she knows we will look. Even Dad's getting in on the act - Mark Statment from Cape Town said 'Well I'm earning bucks for all the ads that get flighted on my shirts - hell I don't mind.' There's only one down side - Mom watch it - but don't wash it!
Man loses job to Bacteria March 1 2027
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Man loses job to Bacteria March 1 2027 Copyright RickOShay
Mr Venter does it again! This time with his purpose built bacteria that clean windows and buildings. The recent spate of artificial cleaners - engineered bacteria are proving so efficient at their jobs that their human counterparts are losing out. A case in point is Ivor Kloth from Denver - 'I used to be employed to clean entire city blocks until these bugs came around. They killing me.' he said. Concerns over job loss to bacteria are glowing as more and more uses are found for toxin munching bacteria. These microbes are great at removing mould and fungal growths on the external surfaces of buildings. 'They also act as a preventative to acid rain, a benefit only recently discovered.' said Dr Molfre lead researcher from the Institute of Applied Microbiology in Utah.
Mr Venter does it again! This time with his purpose built bacteria that clean windows and buildings. The recent spate of artificial cleaners - engineered bacteria are proving so efficient at their jobs that their human counterparts are losing out. A case in point is Ivor Kloth from Denver - 'I used to be employed to clean entire city blocks until these bugs came around. They killing me.' he said. Concerns over job loss to bacteria are glowing as more and more uses are found for toxin munching bacteria. These microbes are great at removing mould and fungal growths on the external surfaces of buildings. 'They also act as a preventative to acid rain, a benefit only recently discovered.' said Dr Molfre lead researcher from the Institute of Applied Microbiology in Utah.
Magneto Car or MagCAR October 7 2019
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Magneto Car or MagCAR October 7 2019 Copyright RickOShay
The shared transport interconnect (STI) - is now well on the way to becoming a reality with the recent announcement by GMF (previously GenFord) of their decision to mass produce the MagCAR, the generic auto-car that links up (automatically) to use shared energy in congested traffic areas much like a mini train or tram of old. The successful completion of stage 3 testing of the mass commuter urban integration model and subsequent governmental 'G' grade approval rating means that GMF now have the green light to complete the final phase of their UGPS system integration. A spokesman from GMF CC (citizen communications) stated that we can expect to see these systems roll out to most major centres within the next 2 years. The old style park and ride system replacement will take approximately 18 months to reach completion. Miniature MagCAR's will be available in Superstores for the elderly by the end of 2016 - he stated ...
The shared transport interconnect (STI) - is now well on the way to becoming a reality with the recent announcement by GMF (previously GenFord) of their decision to mass produce the MagCAR, the generic auto-car that links up (automatically) to use shared energy in congested traffic areas much like a mini train or tram of old. The successful completion of stage 3 testing of the mass commuter urban integration model and subsequent governmental 'G' grade approval rating means that GMF now have the green light to complete the final phase of their UGPS system integration. A spokesman from GMF CC (citizen communications) stated that we can expect to see these systems roll out to most major centres within the next 2 years. The old style park and ride system replacement will take approximately 18 months to reach completion. Miniature MagCAR's will be available in Superstores for the elderly by the end of 2016 - he stated ...
Race against Michael Schumacher August 30 2018
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Race against Michael Schumacher August 30 2018 Copyright RickOShay
RT Gaming have developed a gaming engine that allows you to race alongside real world drivers in a live event such as a Grand Prix or Nascar race for example. Live positional data feeds real world car positions into the users PC or console software and then generates the competitor vehicles in virtual space thus allowing the player to race against real drivers like Michael Schumacher! The position of the competitors cars are mapped accurately in real time so that the car on screen position is a mirror of the live event position. This technology can be used with other games. Relative performance is modified on the fly in order to compensate for game engine performance differences.
RT Gaming have developed a gaming engine that allows you to race alongside real world drivers in a live event such as a Grand Prix or Nascar race for example. Live positional data feeds real world car positions into the users PC or console software and then generates the competitor vehicles in virtual space thus allowing the player to race against real drivers like Michael Schumacher! The position of the competitors cars are mapped accurately in real time so that the car on screen position is a mirror of the live event position. This technology can be used with other games. Relative performance is modified on the fly in order to compensate for game engine performance differences.
T Shirt 'captures' murderer Aug 30 2025
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
T Shirt captures murderer Aug 30 2025 Copyright RickOShay
T Shirt captures image of killer. Ultra thin flash storage and imaging devices (UID's) are now built into everything including clothing. On Thursday night Ms Mia Timisup was returning to her dormitory on campus when she was attacked. Police discovered her body 2 days later. Using a laser interface device police were are able to download an image of the suspected perpetrator.Whilst this evidence may not be submissible in court police say they now have a suspects name and address and will most likely be making an arrest very soon.
T Shirt captures image of killer. Ultra thin flash storage and imaging devices (UID's) are now built into everything including clothing. On Thursday night Ms Mia Timisup was returning to her dormitory on campus when she was attacked. Police discovered her body 2 days later. Using a laser interface device police were are able to download an image of the suspected perpetrator.Whilst this evidence may not be submissible in court police say they now have a suspects name and address and will most likely be making an arrest very soon.
Unborn child listens to radio January 23 2026
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Unborn child listens to radio January 23 2026 Copyright RickOShay
We all know someone with an implant - an organ, muscle compensator, audio or visual enhancer and of course the ubiquitous breast implant. Well now there's the Birth Preducate Implant or BPI. As we all remember science showed some 10 years ago that an unborn fetus benefits from prebirth stimulation. Well now your unborn child can listen to any number of stimulation or education pre-birth channels thanks to PB Tone radio. Based on the ground breaking dolphin research by marine biologist Dr Tate Mezerius who decoded the visualisation and emotional messaging between pods of dolphins. BPI creates primitive audio pulses that research has shown stimulates nerve growth many times that of a non stimulated prebirth. Give your child the edge - get a BPI now and let your child get an early start in life.
We all know someone with an implant - an organ, muscle compensator, audio or visual enhancer and of course the ubiquitous breast implant. Well now there's the Birth Preducate Implant or BPI. As we all remember science showed some 10 years ago that an unborn fetus benefits from prebirth stimulation. Well now your unborn child can listen to any number of stimulation or education pre-birth channels thanks to PB Tone radio. Based on the ground breaking dolphin research by marine biologist Dr Tate Mezerius who decoded the visualisation and emotional messaging between pods of dolphins. BPI creates primitive audio pulses that research has shown stimulates nerve growth many times that of a non stimulated prebirth. Give your child the edge - get a BPI now and let your child get an early start in life.
Trolley runs amok July 1 2024
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay
Trolley runs amok July 1 2024 Copyright RickOShay
Mr Ivan Annoyt was having a perfectly normal Saturday afternoon shopping at his local Tesco when his intelligent shopping cart made a wrong turn. He told it go right he said in the interview afterwards. 'I needed some baked beans - I told the trolley what I wanted and it tried to force me to go the wrong way.'In the ensuing argument the trolley ran amok and destroyed 3 gondola ends and ran over shopper Mrs Dorothy Ame's left foot. 'Fortunately she wasn't hurt' said manager Richard Head.
'These new intelligent shopping carts maybe all the rage but I don't like them one bit' said Mrs Ames.
Mr Ivan Annoyt was having a perfectly normal Saturday afternoon shopping at his local Tesco when his intelligent shopping cart made a wrong turn. He told it go right he said in the interview afterwards. 'I needed some baked beans - I told the trolley what I wanted and it tried to force me to go the wrong way.'In the ensuing argument the trolley ran amok and destroyed 3 gondola ends and ran over shopper Mrs Dorothy Ame's left foot. 'Fortunately she wasn't hurt' said manager Richard Head.
'These new intelligent shopping carts maybe all the rage but I don't like them one bit' said Mrs Ames.
Finally a cigarette that's certified good for you Oct 11 2018
Copyright RickOShay
Copyright RickOShay